Despite an hour of sleep lost to British Summer Time, seven
members of IOPCC set out from Chesil Cove at 10.15 on Sunday
27th March. We were John Massey, Barbara, Ian, Ken, Jim,
John Christmas and myself. Jim planned and led the day, but
with Ken’s keen eye and a fair bit of experience in the
bunch we didn’t cause Jim too many worries.
It was a misty, cold start with more north easterly breeze
than expected. But it soon warmed up in the shelter of the
high cliffs on the West side of Portland. We all enjoyed the
rocky shore, particularly Barbara as it gave her the
opportunity to sport her new helmet. Part way to the Bill,
Jim was busy chatting, he didn’t notice a rock and lost his
balance but his recovery roll was so sharp that he was able
to finish his sentence and most of us were none the wiser.
Pulpit Rock was passed on the inside uneventfully by all and
we rounded the Bill early, having journeyed the Westside in
an hour. The Bill itself was providing a very gentle version
of it’s delights and we rounded it chatting and enjoying the
Lunch at Church Ope Cove on the Eastside meant a surf
landing. The shelf made even small waves have a good pull
back and dump and the seven kayaks lurched up onto the beach
like killer whales at a feed, small children were snatched
from the foreshore to safety by their parents. I think
someone fell in but can’t recall who…..
The stop was a welcome break for us all and it was warm
enough to linger. After we all had our fill it was time to
move on. Ian demonstrated a new take on “leave no trace” by
emptying his leftovers and dregs into my kit. Thanks Ian!
Ken supervised each full bellied paddler back onto the
water. After the most easterly point we felt no wind and the
sea was very calm. Soon the lapping sound of contented
paddler’s souls could be heard; as we rounded the North-East
side of the Bill and into the harbour I wanted to start
Things I learnt re-learnt or am trying to forget…
There is a secret smugglers cave off the Eastside of
Portland, the location is so secret Ken continues to keep it
even from himself!
Always make sure you are the sea side of your boat in the
surf as it is quite heavy when full of water…or so I’m told!
Portland Harbour Master likes a call before you enter the
harbour particularly in the weekdays so they can account for
you amongst their traffic.
Jim is the perfect gentlemen when it comes to helping you up
and down the beach with your boat but admits to accosting
women in dark alleys albeit selectively! (Sorry
Jim!....reference an unfortunate choice of words to describe
a robustly built lady)
Jim having just
rolled up after a 'loss of focus'!! |
Approaching Pulpit
Rock |
Jackie threading the
Pulpit |
Jim off The Bill |
Jackie 'landing' at
Church Ope Cove |
Jon |
John C and Jim lovin'
it! |
Barbara at the
Mullberrys |
The group (less Ken
the photographer)
at Portland Castle |