The weather was windy in the preceding week but the forecast
for the Sunday was north easterly 4 or 5 with slight sea
state. We decided to paddle.
We all met at the Cobb at Lyme Regis at 09.30. It is worth
noting for future occasions that the Harbour Master was
quite happy for us to unload boats onto the slipway. Parking
at the Cobb is £6 for 6 hours. The car park at the top of
Cobb Road costs just £1 but it is a long walk up at the end
of the paddle.
Ten members of IOPCC launched at 10am. It was a cold
overcast day with a biting cold north easterly breeze. This
breeze helped us on our way and we enjoyed an easy ride on a
slight sea state to Seaton. Offshore from Seaton the waves
picked up a little and there were a few white bits but
nothing really to concern any of us. When we got to Beer Jim
and Dicky went in first to land and successfully ‘caught’
the rest of the group as we came into the steep beach one by
one. A few people failed to make their legs work well enough
to become upright immediately– but nobody was admitting to a
The sun came out as we arrived at Beer and we sheltered out
of the wind behind some boats on the beach and had our
lunch. We had made very good time on the outward trip and at
1300 we were ready for the return trip.
As expected the wind in the bay off Seaton was in our faces
and the sea was choppy. We made slow progress across to
Axmouth and were relieved to find that by keeping tucked
quite close to the undercliff we were able to keep out of
the worst of the wind and make good progress.
With the Cobb at Lyme Regis appearing out of the gloom, the
wind veered more to the east and much more on the nose. It
also seemed to increase and just as everyone was getting
tired towards the end of the day forward progress became
very slow and at times we didn’t seem to be going forward at
all. Once more the group were persuaded to take the risk of
being caught by the occasional large rogue wave that
appeared from nowhere and tuck in close to the shore. We
inched our way to the Cobb just as the light was beginning
to fade. There was some disturbed water outside the harbour
but everyone managed to stay upright and made it to the
beach under their own steam just before 4pm.
Cars were retrieved and we all got changed and loaded up
before it was dark. Considering the time of year, the
weather and sea state this was a really good outing and the
less experienced members in the group gained a lot from it. |
A bit of chop in Lyme
Regis harbour |
Ian and David on the
way to Beer |
Geoff |
Julie and David
passing Seaton |
Typical IOPCC beach
carnage |
Lunch |
Diana and Dicky on
the return leg |
David heading back |
Beer, chilli and
medals. |