Paddlers: Jim Lloyd, Jon Massey, Ian Hackworthy, Barbara
Browning, Jill Franks, Tony
Sandry, David Cotgrove, Toby Willcocks, Kim Foster, Clive
Joyner, Cate Bargh, John Christmas.
All week we had been checking the weather to see if this
committing paddle could go ahead, and the closer Sunday
came, the better it looked. The strong winds of the
preceding week settled down giving us F3-4 winds and
importantly they would be from the SE, meaning that our
planned launch from Chesil Cove was likely to be OK.
Considering that it was late November the turnout of 12
paddlers was excellent.
Once the 12 person faff was over we all
decided to seal launch down the rounded pebbles. To the gut
wrenching sound of scoured gel coat we all launched
successfully to the amazement of the bemused divers
watching. The paddle up the west side of Portland should
have been a pleasant, carefree and simple matter. But, we
had Cate with us. Within 300 metres Cate had taken her rock
hopping past the enjoyable ‘isn’t this fun’ stage,
past the critical ‘this is a bit scary’ stage and all
the way to the desperate ‘crash-bang upside down on the
rocks’ stage. Jon M and I sniggered our way to her
rescue. We were trying to get Cate back in her boat very
tight to the rocky shore so decided to try and pull her and
her now rather battered Romany into deeper water. I made a
bit of a hash of that and Jon ended up in the water too.
However Cate was soon reinserted in her boat none the worse
for wear and paddled out to the waiting group whilst Jim and
I sorted Jon out. As I said…all within the first 300 metres!
So, giving the rocks a very wide berth, we all set off
again and paddled our way towards the Bill. At this stage
the sea although not quite smooth was pretty easy going with
just some swells moving through.
We soon came to the recognisable shape of Pulpit Rock and
turned the corner to paddle down to the Bill itself. As we
turned the corner the sea changed to a tricky confused chop.
The further we progressed around the Bill and towards the
eastern side of the island the bigger and choppier the sea
New member Kim in a borrowed Dagger Charleston, on her
first club paddle, looked annoyingly competent and relaxed
despite what really were quite testing conditions. Don’t you
just hate it when beginners look relaxed when you, with all
your flash gear, are struggling to stay upright? I did
consider going over and knocking her in.
The trip timing meant that it was now time for a lunch
stop so we headed towards Church Ope, the usual stopping
place on a Bill trip. However when we got there it was
apparent that landing there would be another gel coat trial.
Equally when we reached Little Beach a few hundred metres
further on, the surf meant that we would have to look
elsewhere. Finally John C spotted a small rocky beach which
faced SW, meaning that we were able to land without drama.
Lunch was consumed, bladders were eased and tales were told.
Thanks to Barbara for the unattractive but delicious
On the Eastern side of the island the chop was much
smaller and the Grove Point race was snoozing so after lunch
it was just a matter of paddling our way across to the
Portland Harbour entrance and bimble our way to our take out
at Portland Castle.
A splendid trip.
Jim seal launching at
Chesil Cove |
Tobes & Kim |
Cate needs a hand |
The western side of
Portland |
Approaching the Bill |
Pulpit Rock looms |
David at Pulpit Rock |
Portland lighthouse |
Cate disappearing in
the chop |
Big lumps of water |
Church Ope Cove |
Portland South Ship
Channel |
Between the
Mulberries |
Portland Castle |
Lunch time stop |