After a week of heavy rain the first Club river trip of
the season was eagerly anticipated. Seven paddlers headed up
to Somerset to Tarr Steps to paddle the river Barle down to
Exe Bridge a section totalling some 16 kilometres.
The first section is the South West’s most popular and best
Grade 2 trip. Its popularity was confirmed as we arrived at
Tarr Steps to find about 30 other paddlers already there.
Out trip had coincided with an annual race, which is held in
memory of a paddler who had drowned on the river 21 years
ago. Just the sort of reminder that the more apprehensive of
us needed! The race got underway while we shuttled our
vehicles and by the time we were ready to go there were a
lot less people about.
The river was quite high but manageable and we were treated
to impressively long and numerous rapids. The purchaser of
the beers was quickly decided as Ian took a swim early on
(after about 400 metres) after failing to negotiate a very
large rock. The interest continued down past Marsh Bridge
with some interesting rapids that were challenging in places
for most of the group but good fun! Continuing on towards
Dulverton still water and a horizon line heralded the town
weir. River right provided an easy line and all successfully
negotiated the weir. Below the weir a long braided rapid led
us into Dulverton where this section of the river ends, just
below Dulverton Bridge.
Following on from Dulverton down to Exebridge the last 6
kilometres continued to provide interesting paddling, as the
level was quite high. There is a large weir about a
kilometre after Dulverton. We portaged this one and welcomed
the leg stretch this opportunity to be out of the boats
provided. The second weir was more straightforward and we
all successfully slid down its face. Not long after that the
Barle and the Exe converge and there was an enjoyable surf
wave lurking where we stopped to play and Andy demonstrated
a couple of good rolls!
After another kilometre the road bridge came into view. We
had reached our egress and after changing enjoyed a pint (or
hot chocolate for some) in the Anchor Inn.
Thanks to Bertie for leading this trip.
John seal launching
at Tarr Steps |
Bertie Beckram |
The group on the water |
Portaging the weir |
Waiting to shoot Dulverton Town
weir |
Bertie playing in a surf wave |
To the pub...!! |