A merry band of 10 lucky kayakers set out from Dorset for a
weekend paddle and camp in South Devon early on the morning
of June 4th. The Magnificent 6 met at the Tesco (no,
Halfords) car park in Dorchester whilst The Tweedles
(Barbara and Ian), Jill and David made their way from other
All converged on the car park at Aveton Gifford in time to
launch and paddle down the Avon on the outgoing tide in
glorious sunshine.
The plan was to have a play in the surf near the river mouth
and then paddle on to Hope Cove to set up camp. However, not
all were keen to surf and a plan evolved to paddle around
Burgh Island and lunch on the beach at Challaborough Bay. We
wended our way through the spectacular rock gardens around
the island and then headed for the beach. Most ate their
lovely packed lunches down on the beach, however some of us
took advantage of the opportunity for somewhat more
substantial fare and checked out the offerings at the beach
chippie. The offerings were somewhat grim but we managed to
find something almost edible, and I settled on a taste from
home – chilli on chips! The ever diplomatic and discreet
peanut gallery back at the beach took one look and declared
it distinctly obnoxious! I did have to admit it wasn’t the
most attractive of dishes, but I found it almost as tasty as
I had remembered!
After our lunch break, we headed off back around Burgh
Island and worked our way along the coast toward Hope Cove,
again enjoying many little detours through rocks and the
occasional cave. The tide was out so far that the base of
Thurlestone Rock appeared to be several feet above water,
however we managed to find a paddlable route through the
arch. We arrived at Hope Cove and went ashore for ice cream
and provisions. After finishing our treats and packing away
our purchases, we set out in the boats again. As it the
weather was fine and there was still plenty of daylight
left, all save Cate agreed to carry on paddling toward the
headland at Bolt Tail. Cate headed for Hope Cove to have a
swim (brrr! The water was still only 12C). We paddled past a
small tidal race off the headland and toward Bury Stone
where Jill and I headed for the slot between the headland
and the stone, which looked like a fairly straightforward
passage. What a difference 20 seconds worth of dropping
swell makes! Jill found a large rock sitting right off her
bow when the surge dropped! I wondered why she had stopped
and saw the problem as I swept by on her right and paddled
through the next swell as it broke. Another paddler coming
toward me said ‘You have a swimmer’ and by the time I got
out of the gap and turned the boat around to have a look, a
highly capable team of Ken, Ian and Toby were on the scene
and helping to recover the boat as Jill stood on the afore
mentioned rock. Then with a bit of effective towing by
Barbara the whole group were dragged out to sea where Jill
was reunited with her boat.
Tales will be told for some time about that swim – it was a
tough patch of water and it was only by blind luck that it
was not I in the drink in Jill’s place! We carried on a
short distance further then turned back and headed for camp.
On arrival we found Cate gamely trying to change out of her
supposedly wet swimming costume behind a towel. Some
questioned whether she actually swam as she wasn’t blue, but
she assured that she had definitely been in!
Tents were pitched, stoves lit and dinners devoured by all.
Dessert was a delicious banana cake baked by Barbara. We
watched a pod of dolphins work their way eastward across the
outer cove and wished they had come just a hour or two
earlier! John and David collected firewood from along the
beach and we had a small fire and a bit of wind and beer,
told a few tales and turned in for the night. Heavy rain
woke most up during the night and we started the morning
under grey and drizzly skies with a much cooler and stronger
wind that the day before.
Toby led us in some calisthenics and then a quick beach
litter pick before we set off for Aveton Gifford at 9am.
The group paddled under Thurlestone Rock at high water this
time – a much more picturesque experience, which Barbara
duly recorded with her ever present camera. When we reached
the mouth of the Avon, we had a second swim of the trip when
I lost a very brief battle with a 1 foot wave. Sad! Anyway,
Toby helped me back into the boat and back into the surf to
show it who was boss. I managed through much better –
amazing how much easier it is when you are already wet.
The journey upriver was a slog, with both the stronger wind
and the ebb current against us. However, we made it just in
time and had sufficient water to reach the take out point at
the car park. Gear and boats retrieved and loaded on cars,
we headed off for a well-earned pub lunch and then home.
Toby organised a brilliant weekend that was thoroughly
enjoyed by all.Thanks Tobes! |
Pre-paddle briefing
From Toby |
Jill and John on the
River Avon |
Ian at Bantham |
Michelle and Ron in
the sunshine at Burgh Island |
Cate |
Toby by the Burgh
Island Hotel |
John |
Barbara at
Thurlestone Rock |
Jill after her
impromptu swim |
David on the beach |
Cate in the surf at
Bantham |
Back to Aveton
Gifford |
The group at Hope
Cove |