Sunday January 3rd was
forecast to be cold and windy. The scheduled event in the
IOPCC paddling programme was to put in at Sandsfoot on
Portland Harbour, paddle up the Fleet and then back again.
This paddle was suitable for everyone and a group of 12 met
at Sandsfoot at 09.30am. The forecast was accurate. Freezing
temperatures and a strong easterly breeze.
The group included the usual suspects in closed cockpit sea
kayaks but also three new members in sit on top kayaks. It
was good to see twelve people on the water and to welcome
new members in craft we had little experience of so early in
the year.
It was a high spring tide and the whole of the beach at
Sandsfoot was covered at HW. We knew this meant that the
flow under Ferrybridge was likely to be in excess of 6
knots! Well wrapped up in a variety of dry suits, pogies,
balaclavas, pink woolly hats etc we set off with the wind
behind for Ferrybridge. There were waves but everyone coped
with this without a murmur. Approaching Ferrybridge it was
evident that the wind and waves were funnelling through the
gap and with wind against tide there was significant rough
water! Out leader Clive J had asked Ian and I to bring up
the rear so we had a good view of the group as they rode the
waves . 10 out of 10 for surfing style to John Mc on his 3m
SOT. I have never seen a SOT surf – and as it turned out
neither had John! He seemed to be having fun…sort of!
Once safely through into the Fleet we had a relatively easy
paddle up the Fleet. Although we were against the tide the
easterly wind was significant and we were blown up to the
narrow gap next to the Army barracks. The flow here is
squeezed and was very fast. Clive West was delighted to be
able to use his towrope in tandem with Ian to give John Mc a
bit of help up to the lunch stop.
As it was such a cold day Clive J who was leading the trip
had planned to stop after 1.5 hours so the time out was
about 3 hours. We had a short break on Chesil beach for a
chat and a hot drink. The flow had increased even more and
was perfect for practicing ferry gliding so we did a bit of
that before setting off at speed through the narrows and
back down the Fleet. We regrouped before Ferrybridge and
John Mc left us at this point preferring to walk back with
his SOT on wheels.
The group whizzed under the bridge and just as it seemed
we would get through without incident Sandra was taken by
surprise by a very fierce eddy and her SOT turned over. The
flow was very fast and she was quickly swept out into the
Harbour. Once clear of the flow and eddy Kevin M was able to
raft alongside and turn the boat over and Sandra was able to
climb on. In those conditions it took longer than any of us
would have liked to get Sandra out of the water. (about 3
minutes) The sea kayaks were difficult to manoeuvre in the
wind and waves and we had no experience of rescuing with a
Once aboard Sandra was cold but otherwise unscathed. The
wind had increased to 24 knots gusting 27 knots easterly -
that is Force 6 gusting Force 7 against us. The paddle back
to Sandsfoot is just over a kilometre and it was quite a
battle against the wind and waves. We all paddled back and
arrived back at Sandsfoot having enjoyed our adventure.
Sandra and Ryan and their
Prowlers at Sandsfoot |
Clive J giving the group their
briefing |
John McKinlay on the way to
Ferrybridge |
A grey day over Portland |
Heading up The Fleet |
Kevin M, later to become the hero
of the day. |
John Mc getting a helping tow up
The Fleet |
A well earned break on The Fleet |
John Christmas
surprised and delighted not to be first swimmer of
the year! |